

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A response to Barbour's hatred of Idema

A response from someone who knew them-to Ronbo Soldier's 'Jack Idema: The Heart of Darkness Series Part 1"

hans said...
Sounds horrible this story, written by Penny? If not, where is the name of the author or why didn't you put your name on it sweetheart ? Who knows what happened between those two highly intelligent, headstrong and agressive mates. When I, hans van kooijk, knew them, Penny was already skinny as a 2x4 and as tough as one too. Some mornings Jack (probably deserved it) had blue spots on shoulders, breast and belly after "sweet" Penny vented her anger once alone with her chosen man. Both Penny and Jack tended to blow up when I knew them, so what.....Hot Love War Zone...maybe?Penny certainly had lot's of time and opportunity to think about there relationship (years) and we (my wife and me) offered space if she wanted to rethink stuff. So...use this space as a forum for vengeance? Why...what's the use..give it a rest!
People like Alesi and Barbour and all the rest hiding in the shadows that feed on each other's negativity-are motivated only by reliving over and over again stories manufactured in their chemically altered brains; of how they were victimized by one thing or another. This justifies their hate. Hate is what they live for; it gives them purpose.

Barbour was on anti depressant medication and when he was recorded talking about killing Clinton, he had been drinking on top of it. Afterward, he claimed he didn't remember. Perhaps that is true, who knows?

But as has been observed here already; this sort of thing is not part of the ideology of 'the Carpenter' that Ronbo supposedly follows.  Just sayin'. In fact, there is no mention anywhere but in his profiles that he is the 'follower of a jewish carpenter'.


Ronbo said...

A contra opinion here:

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