

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The company he keeps

"Birds of a feather flock together," says the old saying. That's because of human nature. People with similar backgrounds, viewpoints, worldviews, hobbies, addictions or religions are more familiar and automatically more comfortable with one another than those who aren't. That is why Barbour's words ring strange and peculiar; as he frequents Robert Young Pelton's Black Flag Cafe, and touts himself to be a super sleuthing soldier in Army Intelligence even though he was nowhere near that-having served as an MP.

Perhaps the attraction to the BFC is the ability to post his journal entries and garner attention for his poor writing. One might recall he did precisely that when he was writing at the Jack Idema blogspot blog; he tried to create more traffic by sowing comments on the web with links back to it.

Or maybe it's the fact that numerous military-obsessed losers in their underwear as opposed to men who have already done it-or are really doing it even today and don't have time to spend online- frequent that forum and together they can stroke each other's egos and Pelton's while they fuel their already over active imaginations there.  Because you know Pelton is one of those that craves getting his ego stroked; it's the purpose for the forum.

What is Barbour doing on Pelton's Black Flag Cafe message boards and communicating with Penny Alesi, the leftist Michael Moore sympathizer & homosexual activist (and dare I say communist) if he claims to be a "Tea Party" supporter and the 'follower of a carpenter'?  This does not compute. What DOES compute is his avoidance of using the word "Jesus", and that's befitting of the company he keeps. Although partnering with Alesi surely has given him the inside track on Idema's life, understanding why he even cares about it escapes me.

Pelton is one of the snooty uber elitist journalist types that believes that journalists are smarter than the military about war.

Alesi is...someone who would hang out with Larry Flynt; and I'm not sure what sway that would have with the 'carpenter' Barbour supposedly follows.

If Ronbo really is what he says he is, he wouldn't be placing himself in juxtaposition with people who are ideological opposites. Ideologically speaking, the worldview he is dealing with in his online associations is like the Clintons', who he loves to hate. And he is spreading their propaganda for them. Surely it's not that he's an unwitting accomplice; he knows precisely what he is doing.

Unless the real reason he wanted to kill Clinton is to get himself planted permanently into the history books; and the obsession with Hitler and Idema and claiming he's a card carrying Republican and an outspoken Tea Party person-are all more a case of transforming himself into a celebrity than about ideology.

(Incidentally Pelton wore Islamic clothing, too.  Do you suppose he joined Al Qaida? Just sayin'.)


Ronbo said...

Hello Lynn Thomas (a.k.a. COW)

The good news is I'm not going to sue you for slander.

In fact, a good professional job on my very own hate website.

I feel honored and I really do mean it!

However, the bad news is that Robert Pelton may sue you... and he is very wealthy and connected.

Cheers, Ronbo

Unknown said...

Lynn Thomas is a bully & lies. She has been revealed as the source of a hate blog "Kimberlin Unmasked". Ron Barbour was one of her victims, and there were many more. She is very dangerous & hateful. Below are some tidbits about this lunatic.
Lynn Thomas Wrote For A Hate Group Website
November 25, 2013.
While looking into the background of Lynn Thomas, who we unmasked last week as the originator of the kimberlinunmasked Blogspot domain, we found that she has written for a hate group website.

“Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” proudly calls itself “a national organization devoted exclusively to exposing and countering the homosexual activist agenda,” meaning they peddle misinformation and bigotry. AFTAH was listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and also lost its tax exempt status in 2011. But just two months before that happened, Thomas attended the International Mr. Leather convention on behalf of AFTAH and was grossed out by all the gayness.
.- See more at:

Unknown said...

More on Lynn Thomas from 2006. Yes, that's how long she's been stalking various people.
This is a seriously ill woman who needs help or be put away.

Ronbo said...

Dear Lynn Thomas: The next time you try to get the Secret Service to arrest me, please be advised that I longer live in Orlando, Florida, as the SS is well aware, so you look like a fool when you call them and say you saw me doing "such and such" in Central Florida. :-)

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