

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A response to Barbour's hatred of Idema

A response from someone who knew them-to Ronbo Soldier's 'Jack Idema: The Heart of Darkness Series Part 1"

hans said...
Sounds horrible this story, written by Penny? If not, where is the name of the author or why didn't you put your name on it sweetheart ? Who knows what happened between those two highly intelligent, headstrong and agressive mates. When I, hans van kooijk, knew them, Penny was already skinny as a 2x4 and as tough as one too. Some mornings Jack (probably deserved it) had blue spots on shoulders, breast and belly after "sweet" Penny vented her anger once alone with her chosen man. Both Penny and Jack tended to blow up when I knew them, so what.....Hot Love War Zone...maybe?Penny certainly had lot's of time and opportunity to think about there relationship (years) and we (my wife and me) offered space if she wanted to rethink stuff. So...use this space as a forum for vengeance? Why...what's the use..give it a rest!
People like Alesi and Barbour and all the rest hiding in the shadows that feed on each other's negativity-are motivated only by reliving over and over again stories manufactured in their chemically altered brains; of how they were victimized by one thing or another. This justifies their hate. Hate is what they live for; it gives them purpose.

Barbour was on anti depressant medication and when he was recorded talking about killing Clinton, he had been drinking on top of it. Afterward, he claimed he didn't remember. Perhaps that is true, who knows?

But as has been observed here already; this sort of thing is not part of the ideology of 'the Carpenter' that Ronbo supposedly follows.  Just sayin'. In fact, there is no mention anywhere but in his profiles that he is the 'follower of a jewish carpenter'.

The company he keeps

"Birds of a feather flock together," says the old saying. That's because of human nature. People with similar backgrounds, viewpoints, worldviews, hobbies, addictions or religions are more familiar and automatically more comfortable with one another than those who aren't. That is why Barbour's words ring strange and peculiar; as he frequents Robert Young Pelton's Black Flag Cafe, and touts himself to be a super sleuthing soldier in Army Intelligence even though he was nowhere near that-having served as an MP.

Perhaps the attraction to the BFC is the ability to post his journal entries and garner attention for his poor writing. One might recall he did precisely that when he was writing at the Jack Idema blogspot blog; he tried to create more traffic by sowing comments on the web with links back to it.

Or maybe it's the fact that numerous military-obsessed losers in their underwear as opposed to men who have already done it-or are really doing it even today and don't have time to spend online- frequent that forum and together they can stroke each other's egos and Pelton's while they fuel their already over active imaginations there.  Because you know Pelton is one of those that craves getting his ego stroked; it's the purpose for the forum.

What is Barbour doing on Pelton's Black Flag Cafe message boards and communicating with Penny Alesi, the leftist Michael Moore sympathizer & homosexual activist (and dare I say communist) if he claims to be a "Tea Party" supporter and the 'follower of a carpenter'?  This does not compute. What DOES compute is his avoidance of using the word "Jesus", and that's befitting of the company he keeps. Although partnering with Alesi surely has given him the inside track on Idema's life, understanding why he even cares about it escapes me.

Pelton is one of the snooty uber elitist journalist types that believes that journalists are smarter than the military about war.

Alesi is...someone who would hang out with Larry Flynt; and I'm not sure what sway that would have with the 'carpenter' Barbour supposedly follows.

If Ronbo really is what he says he is, he wouldn't be placing himself in juxtaposition with people who are ideological opposites. Ideologically speaking, the worldview he is dealing with in his online associations is like the Clintons', who he loves to hate. And he is spreading their propaganda for them. Surely it's not that he's an unwitting accomplice; he knows precisely what he is doing.

Unless the real reason he wanted to kill Clinton is to get himself planted permanently into the history books; and the obsession with Hitler and Idema and claiming he's a card carrying Republican and an outspoken Tea Party person-are all more a case of transforming himself into a celebrity than about ideology.

(Incidentally Pelton wore Islamic clothing, too.  Do you suppose he joined Al Qaida? Just sayin'.)

Ron Barbour hates the Clintons

He said of Hillary Clinton while laughing, "I have this vision...of stomping that woman to death with hobnail boots." He went to Washington DC planning to murder Clinton and kill himself - with a .45 caliber revolver and 100 rounds of ammunition. Today he claims this is all untrue; but the court records are very specific; not to mention the fact that he was found 'guilty' and served time for it. A cassette recording from the recorder in the pants of a neighbor were what busted him.

Quote from. The Orlando Sentinal

Read more articles about this kook from news sources in the sidebar.

The nut's address

US special forces in Afghanistan. [Source: CNN/House of War]

Ronald Gene Barbour
5201 Raymond Street
Orlando, Florida 32803

Residents of Florida be beware; there is a nut in your midst....and he's still getting psychiatric help from the Orlando VA

After writing this series of ridiculous articles Barbour claims he lives 'out west' somewhere; but that's just a ploy.  He personally knows Idema after meeting him at Butner Correction Facility; and he is probably aware of the physical danger he's in for claiming that Idema joined Al Qaida.

Delta in 2001 at Tora Bora

Barbour might as well claim that every single special forces soldier (like the ones in the above pictures) who ever donned Islamic garb in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan or somewhere in the Middle East joined the other side.

This is yet another example of how separated Ron Barbour is from reality and how he has a death wish; how would someone like Idema who has spent his entire life going after the enemies of America suddenly just 'flip'?  Reading Barbour closely, you'll find it isn't Idema who is obsessed with Hitler or who blames the American government for his troubles.

See the loony blogger profile for the now-defunct Jack Idema blog shows the guy has more than a few screws loose.

"Ronbo" wrote on the Jack Idema blog as though he was Jack Idema - that's "impersonation".

 One of his favorite books is "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich".  I wonder why he doesn't include "Catcher in the Rye"?

Ron Barbour hates muslims

Here at the Emotional Support Directory, it talks about Barbour in the past tense, reviewing Barbour's last blog entry before he allegedly committed suicide in 2009. So dramatic! That entry by the Emotional Support Directory has not been updated or corrected since it was published to correct the record, but it makes some psychiatric observations about the man such as:
bloggers have looked at his last writings and found that this was a man going through tough times.
That was kind and gentle. This was a man going through tough times who was at the end of his rope and trying to commit suicide. But there is a grandiose element to it; in that he wanted to leave this world with some kind of mark on it.

In reality, this is a man who has literally been crying out for mental help for years (manipulating the system to get it for free [because he appears to not live his life as a capitalist]) and was incarcerated after his trip to DC with the intention of murdering President Clinton in 1995. That trip would have ultimately ended with Barbou'rs suicide, but would have permanently placed him in the history books.

Barbour's self loathing is evident in his bitter convoluted outlook on the world, current events, politics, and his hatred of the American government.

His hatred isn't limited to just those entities-he hates anyone who is a muslim or is a friend of muslims, because in his overly simplistic view, there is no difference between Islam and Al Qaida.

The Emotional Support Directory says that

Barbour's views on what to do (about Islam or muslims) were: [1]

to get Muslims out of the West;
to confine Muslims to their own lands (he called his policy "quarantine" rather than "separationism");
to use military force to destroy any dangerous Islamic regimes but without occupying any Muslim countries.
to destroy Islam by destroying every sharia regime, whether or not it directly threatened the United States.

According to a badly written and confusing article in the March 5, 2000 Florida Today, Barbour served a four year federal prison sentence in the 1990s for threatening and planning to assassinate President Clinton by shooting him as he jogged in Washington D.C.[1] The article says that Barbour was innocent and was set up by the Secret Service.

The reason the article says Barbour was innocent would be because the article depended on an anonymous source: Barbour himself. In reality, Barbour traveled to Washington DC with firearms and one hundred of rounds of ammunition to kill Clinton, and then kill himself.  See the court document that spells out the sordid tale here.

Like an Islamic Al Qaida suicide bomber, Ronald Gene Barbour has been obsessed for years with the idea of 'offing himself' in some type of twisted grand fashion. He claims he is the follower of a carpenter, but his words and actions are similar to a friend of Bin Laden. In Ronboworld things are never as they appear to an outsider because "Ronbo" is a nut.

Bear this in mind when travling the net because Barbour has a number of blogs on blogspot:

The Jack Idema blog Note: By all appearances, that particular blog of slander and malicious lies was taken down because of Ronbo's new assassination obsession with killing president Obama. What remains is the Ronbo-concocted blogger user profile he used for impersonating Idema and writing his weird fantastic conspiracy theorist fantasies under Idema's name, here.
Central Care Mission
The Orlando Slantnel
The Freedom Fighter's Journal
The Secret Service Journal Note: This one is really special.

Curiously, "Ronbo" has two blogger user profiles: one here and one here.

He also participates in a number of other online discussion groups and forums.